
Anmälan till uppdrag 5205

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Software Developer
In our Innovation project Smart Sensing - DashCam we are in the Should Be phase. Journey where the objective is to do a PoC/Protype of the solution that you demonstrate, as well as continue to explore the market landscape and what user and business values the solution can provide. We need help to do a business case for several user cases of the solution from NEXAR, (and similar) to understand what other solutions are available and what are the Pros & Cons for each option. We also need support continuously develop and demonstrate a POC of the user interface and prepare a demonstration. Qualifications and skills required for the role E.g. degrees, years of experience, competencies needed: • >4 years experience of Java, Android development • SW development skills • Agile mindset and work environment • Design thinking experience Personal attributes: Driven, solution oriented and a team player. IT/SW requirements (if applicable) Click or tap here to enter text. Competence requirements for: CAD (CATIA)

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