
Anmälan till uppdrag 5297

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Web developer
NodeJS,Git,TypeScript,React,GraphQl,TDD,CI/CD,Azure DevOps,Figma
In this role you will be joining a team that develops a frontend web application as well as a backend-for-frontend layer in NodeJS. The team is part of a larger programme containing a web portal, mobile apps, medical devices integrations, content management system, app configurations and many more integrations. Overview of responsibilities • Develop new frontend functionality for a patient facing web application. • Develop functionality in a backend for frontend layer as well as a configuration layer in nodeJS. • Elaborate features with BA, PO and stakeholders. • Participate in scrum activities and PI planning. • Support test and incident handling teams with investigation and / or bugfixes. Required skills & experience. • Frontend development in larger projects • Modern frameworks and technologies • Version control in Git • Unit testing like jest • Typescript • React • Backend development (NodeJS) • GraphQL • Test driven development (TDD) • CSS – styling frameworks like styled components, emotion, tailwind Desired skills & experience • MaterialUI • Web Accessibility • Basic CI/CD in eg Azure Devops • React Native • Design / Figma collaboration • Design systems Education/Experience: More than 5+ years of Software development experience Additional information specifically for this job request We consider it fundamental that you, as a person: • are humble • work in a structured manner and care for high quality • are driven, pro-active and able to work autonomous when needed • have good social and communication skills • like to have fun at work and actively contribute to create such culture

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