
Anmälan till uppdrag 5301

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Senior Dev-Ops Engineer
We are looking for a Senior Dev-Ops Engineer. Key Responsibilities:  • Automating, developing and maintaining the team´s services  • Providing Runtime support for infrastructure and services  • Providing technical support and coaching for our development teams  • Contributing to development roadmaps and other platform improvements  • Always looking for ways to improve reliability and efficiency through automation  Competence Profile & Qualifications:  • Minimum 3 years working experience in an enterprise production environment • Everything-as-Code enthusiast  • Strong coding skills – Bash, Python, Java, Typescript  • Open-minded and keen to learn new technologies  • Thorough knowledge and experience of automation tools like Packer, Ansible, Chef  • Hands on experience using AWS CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild  • Skilled in CloudFormation  • Experienced in automating processes  • Working proficiency in NoSQL and SQL databases  • In depth understanding of CI/CD tooling  • AWS experience  • Experience with serverless technologies and event-driven architecture  • AWS certifications  • Comfortable with front-end development and JavaScript frameworks such as React and Angular  • Experience with monitoring tools  • Linux  • Jenkins installation and maintenance  • Lifecycle management  • Good time management skills with the capability to prioritize, context-switch, document and multitask as needed.   Skills in the following are highly desirable:  • Artifactory  • Xray or other Vulnerability Scanning Tools  • SonarQube  • GitHub  • Gerrit  • AWS CDK   An added plus if you have also worked with:  • Kubernetes  • Database management  Our Dev Stack:  • Java, Groovy, Javascript, Typescript, Python  • AWS CloudFormation, CDK, SAM, EC2, ECS, IAM, Lambda, SQS, SNS, EventBridge, API Gateway, CodePipeline, CodeDeploy, CodeBuild and other Serverless technologies  • Git, Packer, Ansible, Docker  • Managing Artifactory, Jenkins and more  • DynamoDB, MongoDB and PostreSQL  • React, NextJS

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