
Anmälan till uppdrag 5323

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Atribute Leader
MS Office,System Weaver,Safety target setting,Benchmarking,CAE,Test
As Attribute Leader A you and your colleagues (other Attribute Leaders, CAE-, test- and design engineers) are overall responsible for achieving a correctly balanced vehicle performance, ensuring that the final product corresponds to the market and technical specifications as well as target user needs and expectations. The general work method is to define, communicate, follow up and, if needed, balance requirements and guidelines related to the attribute that together set the performance. Qualifications and skills required for the role • Long (> 10 years) experience in Safety target setting, benchmarking, ensuring design activities align with Safety targets, interfacing with CAE and Design stakeholders. • Specific knowledge of legal requirements and market requirements US/EU/CN within safety attribute area • Extensive experience in root cause analysis during verification phases, both CAE and test driven. • Established network within the field vehicle safety, enabling upfront knowledge concerning future vehicle design, legal and consumer test protocols and ratings. • Experience of Safety Attribute Leader role in automotive industry. Personal attributes Quick to adopt to new surroundings, high level of responsibility. Likes to communicate results and findings with design and attribute engineers. Likes to learn and be taught by peers.IT/SW requirements MS Office, SystemWeaver

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