
Anmälan till uppdrag 5327

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UX Writer
UX Writer
Looking for an experienced UX Writer to work in a core team We define and secure consistent interaction principles and brand expression for digital touchpoints – to deliver a consistent, seamless, and effortless user experience through intuitive design. Our small core team consists of designers and developers that work closely together on a day-to-day basis. Together we are managing multiple repositories for our assets (design, code and icons), related guidelines and training material. Our users are mainly designers, developers and other roles included in the development and delivery of digital applications, but our target groups also include senior management across business areas and group functions. To take the design system to the next level, we need support to ensure that we deliver clear, concise, accessible and user-centered content that guides and informs users, while aligning with general best practice as well as our brand and values. The work for a senior UX Writer would be to support both with clear content structures and consistent language in our own deliverables, as well as providing more general UX copy best practice guidelines (incl. rules for how we present dates, units, measurements, and abbreviations and more).

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