
Anmälan till uppdrag 5405

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Product Content Manager
As a Product Content Manager your main responsibilities will be content management ownership of product and therapeutic area content assigned, including the end-to-end content development, translation processing and enablement for the product testing journey, ensuring the correct content is delivered, maintained and available for use by studies that use our product suite. You also enjoy working at fast pace and in an agile framework, following continuously evolving processes.   Product content ownership will include: • Collaborate with other content managers on key feature developments that cross different areas, for a seamless approach to managing content split across areas. • Be the content spokesperson for your dedicated squad(s) for enabling the end-to-end content process timelines for processing, translation and publication. • Support and coordinate the content management activities during the app and web elaborations, and feature development activities according to the product release, including alignment with study-related dependency deadlines. • Coordinate and manage translations defined by your product domain, and be responsible for the ongoing maintenance per release, with support from the Content Enablement team. • Support the product and clinical study teams during the maintenance and closeout phase with content change requests and bug fixes. • Proactively pivot between different parts of the content production process with overlapping roadmaps and timelines, while keeping to strict deadlines. • Be confident and able to ‘speak up’ during wider cross-functional meetings.

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