
Anmälan till uppdrag 4103

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Infrastruktur Specialist Linux
Linux,Docker,DevOps,Kubernetes,Slurm,Anvisble,Open Source
Detta är ett uppdrag för dig som tar stort ansvar och tycker om att vara längst fram i utvecklingsledet. Uppgiften omfattar allt från Hårdvaru plattform till utvecklingsverktyg. Plattformen bygger på Linux och Open Source. You will work with both hardware and software related to a Deep Learning Infrastructure. This includes everything from adapting and expanding the hardware platform all the way up to the development toolchain used by our teams. Your responsibility comprises: o Supporting existing hardware platform and installing new hardware o Support developers from a DevOps perspective, both related to the development toolchain and to implement DevOp routines. o Develop the Deep Learning toolchain environment. o Plan and perform future changes and improvements together with the rest of the team and in cooperation with the users. o Support teams and users of the Deep Learning platform.

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